Ambassador of Kosova Visits the AAIS

On Sunday 16th February 2014, the Albanian Australian Islamic Society (AAIS) was visited by the Ambassador of Kosova, His Excellency, Dr. Sabri Kiqmari.

The informal visit by the Ambassador at the AAIS’s new Youth Centre was well received by everyone that was present on the day.

On his arrival, the Ambassador and his wife were provided with a tour of the new AAIS Youth Centre.

After the tour, AAIS President, Vahid Goga, officially welcomed the Ambassador and his wife to the AAIS and provided a brief summary of the work performed by the AAIS in Kosova and also thanked the Government of Kosova, as well as the Embassy of Kosova in Australia for the Albanian language learning material that was provided to the AAIS.

In his speech to members of the AAIS, His Excellency, Mr. Sabri Kiqmari, communicated his Embassy’s readiness to assist the AAIS with literature that would help preserve the Albanian Language and Tradition amongst Albanian families in Australia. The Ambassador also commended the work of the AAIS Committee Board and its members for establishing the Youth Centre and also expressed his satisfaction with the welcoming environment and friendly atmosphere that he felt at the AAIS Youth Centre. His Excellency, Sabri Kiqmari, sincerely thanked the AAIS Committee Board, Imam Bekim Hasani and members of the Society for their hospitality.

A gift from the AAIS was handed to the Ambassador prior to everyone sitting down to enjoy a cup of traditional Albanian coffee, tea and sweets for the remainder of the afternoon.

Insha-Allah, His Excellency, Sabri Kiqmari, will visit the AAIS again in the very near future.

Committee Member