Donate to Support the Albanian Australian Islamic Society

Thank you for considering a donation to the AAIS. Your generous contribution plays a crucial role in supporting our mission of preserving the Albanian Muslim identity and promoting harmony, mutual understanding and cooperation among other communities in Australia.

Where Your Donation Goes
Facility Maintenance
Ensuring the Albanian Mosque, AAIS Multi-Purpose Room and AAIS Youth Centre remain a welcoming and safe place for worship and community gatherings. This includes cleaning, renovations and upkeep of the facilities.

Imam Services
Supporting the services provided by the AAIS Imam. This includes marriage celebrant and nikkah services, funeral prayer, home and hospital visits and mevluts.

Community Program
Supporting educational, social, religious and cultural events that strengthen community bonds at the Albanian Mosque and AAIS Youth Centre. This includes Children’s Islamic and Albanian classes, Quran classes, Islamic information sessions, Sisters and youth events, Bajram dinners and carnivals, Community iftars, Workshops and guest speakers.

Supporting communications to both members and the broader community through yearly Islamic calendar, Member annual magazine and monthly email newsletter, SMS communication, WhatsApp group communication, social media posts on Facebook and Instagram, YouTube videos and member letters.

Social Services
Providing aid to those in need within our community and beyond. This includes through orphan sponsorship, fundraising activities for emergency appeals as well as regular annual appeals to the Royal Children’s Hospital and Fight Cancer Foundation.

Your Impact
Every donation, regardless of size, makes a significant difference. It helps sustain our efforts in providing vital services and programs that benefit individuals and families within our community. Your support ensures that the AAIS continues to be a beacon of faith, education, and compassion.

Thank You
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our donors who contribute to the AAIS. Your generosity strengthens our ability to serve the community and fulfil our mission effectively. For any inquiries regarding donations or our programs, please contact us at

Donate to the AAIS