Annual General Meeting 2006-2007

The Executive Committee of the Albanian Australian Islamic Society (AAIS) would like to inform all Financial Members of the recently held 2006-2007 Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The AGM was held on 7 October 2007 in the AAIS Social Room and the number of AAIS Financial members present at the AGM was quite large compared to the previous year. This is a healthy sign for our Society and for the future of our community.

As in previous years, the AGM began with a short recitation of the Holy Qur’an. This was then followed by the AAIS Treasurer’s presentation of both the financial and non-financial outcomes for 2006-2007.

Following the Treasurer’s Report, AAIS President, Vahid Goga, presented the achievements for the last financial year and also outlined their goals for the AAIS in 2007-2008.

A period was also held for nominations for positions on the AAIS Executive Committee, in which the present AAIS Executive Committee was re-elected by members, therefore reinstating the current members for the next two years.

The AAIS Executive Committee would like to thank all those members who attended and made this year’s AGM a success.

Asim Kulafi

AAIS Executive Committee

Kёshilli i Shoqatёs Shqiptare Australiane (AAIS) jep disa tё dhёna rrethё mbledhjes sё pёrgjithshme vjetore (MPV) 2006-2007.

Mbledhja u mbajt me datёn 7 Dhjetor 2007 nё dhomёn e Pёrgjithshme Sociale. Prezenca e antarve kёsaj ralle ishte jashtёzakonisht e lart nё krahasim tё viteve tё kaluara dhe kjo ёshtё njё kёnaqёsi pёr Xhamin tonё.

Hapja e mbledhjes fillojё me recitimin e Kur’anit Famёlart, nё vazhdim arkatari, Rami Kulafi, jepё raportin e kёtij viti si dhe vitit tё kaluar.

Kryetari i Kёshilli Ekzekutiv, Vahid Goga, dha njё prezentimin rreth sukseseve tё tyre gjatё vitit, gjithashtu edhe sesionit tё punёs sё tyre nё tё ardhmen.

U aprovua qё Kёshilli prezent i Shoqatёs AAIS tё vazhdoj me punёn e tyre mbrenda dy viteve tё ardhshme, ku antarёt e Kёshillit ishin tё kёnaqur pёr riz-gjedhjen e tyre.

Kёshilli i AAIS-it dёshiron tё falёndroj tёgjith antarёt tё cilёt morёn pjesё nё kёtё mbledhje tё sukseshme vjetore gjatё vitit tё kaluar.

Asim Kulafi

Këshilli Ekzekutiv i AAIS-it