New AAIS Street Signs

In late 2008, the Albanian Australian Islamic Society’s (AAIS) Executive Committee has organised two brand new and large street signs in Carlton. These signs are now displayed close to the AAIS on Lygon & Fenwick Street and Princes & Drummond Street.

The blue signs, which read ‘Albanian Australian Islamic Society—Mosque’, may be the first street signs in Australia that clearly states the ethnicity and identity of our people in Australia.

On behalf of the AAIS Executive Committee, I would like to thank Mr. Artemis Bacani from the City of Yarra for arranging the new signs for our Society.

Haji Sabri Balla

AAIS Committee Member

In late 2008, the Albanian Australian Islamic Society’s (AAIS) Executive Committee has organised two brand new and large street signs in Carlton. These signs are now displayed close to the AAIS on Lygon & Fenwick Street and Princes & Drummond Street.

The blue signs, which read ‘Albanian Australian Islamic Society—Mosque’, may be the first street signs in Australia that clearly states the ethnicity and identity of our people in Australia.

On behalf of the AAIS Executive Committee, I would like to thank Mr. Artemis Bacani from the City of Yarra for arranging the new signs for our Society.

Haji Sabri Balla

AAIS Committee Member